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The Power of Five Little Stars! Membri 365 Experience

Updated: Jul 18

Positive reviews for our member management solution and after-sales service make all the difference!

Membri 365 experience: Why are Membri 365 customer reviews so important?

  • Invaluable Insight

  • Shopping experience

  • Enhancing Solutions

  • Ongoing Development

Customer satisfaction is an essential metric in the business world

Always has been, always will be. It’s nothing new for organizations to seek out feedback to make sure the very people who are targeted by their products or services are happy with the results. Having a channel where customers can openly share their thoughts in this regard makes them feel important, valued and heard.

Invaluable insight

But never have customer ratings and opinions been more important than they are in this digital age of ours. The impact they have on consumers’ buying decisions and ongoing product development is enormous. A recent study by EMarketer found that 88% of online and in-person shoppers check customer reviews before doing business with a given company. Nine out of ten. That’s an incredible amount of influence!

Shopping experience

The buying experience is not what it was two decades ago, when online shopping was still in its infancy. These days, it is an automatic first step for most consumers to see what other people’s experiences have been. If they’re looking at reserving a hotel, for example, they’ll peruse the comments left by previous guests, searching for the kind of details that will inform their own decision-making process. After their stay, they will subsequently share their own thoughts, good or bad, with this newfound community.

Membri 365 experience

The same model applies to business products and services — OK, maybe not as exciting as a trip to a dream destination, but the review process still matters, both to those who provide said products or services and to those who use, or are thinking about using, them. By giving potential customers a place where they can find objective, impartial information on the purchases they are considering, and existing customers a forum where they can post information about their experience, is the first step in building a strong brand, strengthening online visibility and cementing credibility.

Enhancing solutions

Which is why we would love to hear what you think about Membri 365, our CRM solution developed specifically to meet the needs of associations, non-profits and chambers of commerce. Your reviews about your Membri 365 experience (part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem) are vital in letting us know what we are doing right and where we can tweak our member management solution to make our users even happier. We analyze all the feedback we receive objectively and constructively — and always with the customer experience in mind.

Ongoing development

We are committed to responding to anyone who takes the time to share their Membri 365 experience with us within one business day. And we take this commitment seriously. Not only do we enjoy passing along your words of praise to our hard-working teams, but your ideas and insights are also critical in guiding our continuous improvement efforts. It’s always inspiring for us to find out where we are helping associations improve their own value proposition, achieve their objectives and take their performance and productivity to new heights.

Membri 365 experience

Les avis de nos client

So, now, we bet you’re more than a little curious about what actual Vendere customers think about Membri 365. Or maybe you’re already a satisfied user and we’ve persuaded you to write about your experience. Either way, we encourage you wholeheartedly to head over to Capterra’s product listings for more information. Your contributions will help other people just like you select the right products for their organization and make their day-to-day operations easier and more efficient. A few minutes from you can save someone else hours, even days, of precious time. Ready to write or consult reviews!  

Membri 365 experience

So what are you waiting for? The tools to get your association running more smoothly and efficiently are available now. Get started today and put your organization on the path to long-term growth and prosperity.

At Vendere, optimizing your business processes is our purpose and our passion.

Let’s talk about what your association’s needs are and how our solutions can help.


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Membri 365 experience


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Membri 365 membership management software, the CRM for associations
Solution Membri 365 CRM pour associations
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